Program Overview

Cardiovascular disease affects 65 million Americans annually and 37 million Americans are currently living with diabetes, but these diseases are preventable.

Metabolic Mastery is designed to help you better understand the spectrum of metabolic disease and why metabolic health is so important and provide you with sustainable solutions to improve lab markers, body composition, and overall well-being. 

This 12-week program will include six self-guided lessons taught by our CCFM clinical team. Video lessons will be offered every other week (odd weeks), allowing one week between each lesson (even weeks) to digest the material and start implementing some of the recommendations. Helpful handouts, videos, and tips will accompany each lesson. 

A more detailed outline of the course curriculum can be found below.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Introduction to the Metabolic Program

    • What to Expect -- Start Here!

    • Download the App!

    • Pre-Program Intake Form

    • Pre-Program Medical Symptom Questionnaire

    • MSQ - Input Results Here

  • 2

    Lesson One: Introduction to Metabolic Disease

    • Introduction to Metabolic Disease

    • Lesson One Action Items

    • Paleo Reset Dietary Guidelines

    • Paleo Reset Diet Shopping List

    • Gluten-Free Guide

    • Guide to Stocking Your Fridge

    • Guide to Stocking Your Kitchen

    • Constructing a Paleo Meal

    • End of Lesson Survey

  • 3

    Lesson Two: Blood Sugar Dysregulation

    • Blood Sugar Dysregulation

    • Lesson Two Action Items

    • Monitoring Glucose

    • Functional Metabolic Lab Ranges

    • End of Lesson Survey

  • 4

    Lesson Three: Metabolic Nutrition

    • Metabolic Nutrition

    • Lesson Three Action Items

    • How to Use Cronometer

    • Cronometer Instructions

    • Sample Paleo Recipes

    • Paleo Shopping List

    • Food Quality Guide

    • Paleo Guide to Sweeteners

    • Paleo Guide to Carbs

    • Money Saving Strategies

    • Thrive Market Guide

    • End of Lesson Survey

  • 5

    Lesson Four: Cholesterol, Blood Pressure, and CVD

    • Cholesterol, Blood Pressure, and CVD

    • Lesson Four Action Items

    • Functional Metabolic Lab Ranges

    • End of Lesson Survey

  • 6

    Lesson Five: Stress and Sleep

    • Stress and Sleep

    • Lesson Five Action Items

    • Introduction to Breathwork Course

    • Manage Your Stress

    • Sleep More Deeply

    • End of Lesson Survey

  • 7

    Lesson Six: Movement, Exercise, and Weight

    • Movement, Exercise, and Weight

    • Lesson Six Action Items

    • Non-Movement Exercise Guide (SWAP)

    • Waist to Height Ratio

    • 6 Strategies for Weight Loss

    • End of Lesson Survey

  • 8

    Chapter Seven: Bringing It All Together

    • Bringing It All Together

    • Post-Program Medical Symptom Questionnaire

    • Post-Program MSQ (Input Results Here!)

    • End of Program Survey

What you will learn

  • What is metabolic disease?

    Understand the spectrum of metabolic disease including cardiovascular disease and blood sugar regulation. Discover what your body composition means for your metabolic health and how to improve it.

  • Why is metabolic health important?

    Metabolic health impacts many other organ systems and cellular pathways. Understanding your risk for metabolic disease and the importance of metabolic health is important for optimal health and longevity.

  • How can I improve my metabolic health?

    Nutrition strategies and lifestyle habits can significantly impact metabolic health. Learn the importance of nutrition, sleep, stress, and movement for metabolic health so you can create long-term health change.


Nurse Practitioner

Tracey O’Shea

Tracey O’Shea is a licensed Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP-C) who graduated from Samuel Merritt University with a Master’s degree in Nursing. She became board certified through the American Association of Nurse Practitioners and was first introduced to Functional Medicine in 2013, when she began her journey through the Institute for Functional Medicine’s certification program. She has trained with the Kresser Institute (ADAPT) program and is an IFM Certified Practitioner. Tracey chose to become a nurse practitioner because it provided her the opportunity to help patients gain control of their health and become active participants in life. Seeing people enjoy every aspect of their health is rewarding. Studying and practicing functional medicine has given her additional tools to ensure that patients get the individualized, comprehensive treatment they deserve. Institute for Functional Medicine Certified PractitionerKresser Institute ADAPT Level One trained Tracey finds that communication is key for all successful and sustainable relationships. She tries to emphasize this with her patients during the first encounter, so that they understand what makes functional medicine different than conventional medicine. She listens carefully to the patient, especially as they discuss their needs and how they fit into a comprehensive, individualized health plan. Tracey hopes that she gives her patients motivation to live healthier, more fulfilling lives. Her goal is to help them understand the pivotal role they themselves play in designing and carrying out their treatment plan for health optimization. She is grateful for the opportunity to work with the California Center for Functional Medicine and is honored to be part of this journey.

Physician's Assistant

Allie Nowak

Allie Nowak is a board-certified Physician Assistant who graduated with a Master’s degree from the University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine. She was first introduced to Functional Medicine in 2011 during her capstone undergraduate internship with Dr. Terry Wahls; she experienced firsthand the impact a therapeutic diet and lifestyle can have on patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis. The experience not only was eye opening, but forever changed the way she wished to approach her patient’s care. After completing her graduate school coursework, a year of Primary Care, and transitioning to OBGYN, she decided to pursue Functional Medicine training given the gap she saw in standard medical care. She has completed the Kresser Institute ADAPT Practitioner Training Program as well as advanced training through A4M in “A Metabolic and Functional Approach to Endocrinology”. She began her Functional Medicine career in OBGYN; however, her practice quickly expanded beyond hormone imbalances to include gastrointestinal issues, poor sleep, fatigue, metabolic problems, and autoimmune disease. Allie currently resides in Minnesota and enjoys spending time with her husband, son and two Miniature Goldendoodles. In her free time, hiking, camping, cooking, traveling, weightlifting, and spending time with friends brings joy to her life.